Christmas Carolling In The Neighbourhood

A few weeks ago, our good neighbor wanted to get together and sing Carols in the neighborhood, as in days long ago. We agreed and the plan was set in motion.

Due to the fact we had a blizzard happening here on Saturday night, it was called off and we went Sunday night. It was snowing gentle, big, white fluffy flakes and it made it even more “Christmas-like”.

There were eleven of us, complete with song sheets, and off we trod. We tried many houses on the way, but we know they were expecting us the night before and many were not home. Undeterred, we carried on.

Don and  I left the group to come home and make sure all was ready for the Hot Chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, chocolate shavings and cookies. In case you weren’t  into cookies, we also had out homemade Nuts and Bolts.

We are so glad we made the “Gathering Room” instead of a rumpus room and last night proved just why we did this. Christmas music playing softly in the background, laughter, warmth and new friends made gives us yet another memory to keep in our hearts about where we now live.

It was agreed, among claims of “next year”,  and ” next year we must do this again”. This is how traditions begin and carry on. Yes, we will do it again. It was fun and brought back memories of long ago times, when life was so much simpler.