Bacon Cheeseburger Pie

When you hear “It’s Hockey Night In Canada”  you know a quick and easy dinner is in the mix. This is a fun meal to make and, of course, simply devour with great conversation, banter about what team is going to win, or just enjoy those sitting down at the table with you.


  • 1  1/2 lb. extra lean ground beef
  • 1/2 cup Panko breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 finely chopped onion
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 2 tsp. mustard
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 slices bacon, cooked crisp, crumbled
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled, cut in 2 inch cubes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • olive oil
  • whipping cream
  • 1/4-1/2 cup Philadelphia cream cheese
  • butter
  • 1 – 1 1/2 cups shredded Monteray Jack Cheese
  • 2-3  Roma tomatoes, halved, seeds removed, chopped
  • 1/2 green Bell pepper, finely chopped

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Cut the top off the garlic, and in a piece of tin foil, place the head and pour a tbsp. of olive oil over and then seal. Cook in the oven for about 40-50 minutes until soft and caramelized. Remove from the oven and cool down for about 10 minutes.

Mix the ground beef, breadcrumbs, onion, salt, ketchup, mustard until well combined. Press this into a 9 inch pie plate over the bottom and up the sides. Bake for about 15 minutes.

In a pot of water, peel and cut the potatoes in chunks. Cook until tender and then process in your electric mixer with a copious amount of  butter, the cream cheese, squeeze the flesh out of the garlic and discard the skins, 1/4 – 1/3 cup of whipping cream (not too much or it becomes watery). When mixed and smooth, spoon into the meat crust and smooth the top.   Sprinkle the cheese over the surface of the potatoes. In a circle on top sprinkle the tomato, crisp bacon and green pepper.

Return to the oven and bake a further 15-20 minutes until hot and the cheese has melted. Serve with a crisp, chilled salad, garlic/cheese toast and, without fail, a cold beer or glass of wine.


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