New Year’s Eve For Two

New Year’s Eve is celebrated (or not) by one and all…sometimes it carries bitterswet memories and at other times it bring immense hope for the new year ahead.

We don’t go out on New Year’s Eve. We always found that a roomful of strangers is far more intimidating than a well planned, fun-for-two dinner at home.

Don’t get me wrong, we go to extremes here too. Table set, food planned and clothes changed for a festive dining experience.

As you can see, the table is laid for a celebration.

We began our dinner with shrimp, sauteed in butter and herb de provence. Don had two sauces: a seafood sauce that he made and one made that was so delicious you could have used it instead of even a Hollandaise on eggs in the morning. I suggested to Don that it was so good, one should actually bathe in it. I will post the recipe tomorrow. Watch for it.

Our dinner consisted of a Filet Mignon Steak, perfectly BBQ’d, roasted butternut squash, garlic mashed potatoes and in the individual gravy boats, a perfect bernaise sauce to pour as needed (uh….wanted). Paired with this was a glass – or two – of Sangiovese red wine.

Dessert was a little homemade and store bought. It doesn’t matter, it was presented in a pleasing way and tasted even better. PC’s cheesecake lollipops are simply devine and should and could be used anytime.

Coffee and a small glass of ice wine perfected the evening for us. See? Anyone can make an evening at home just a little more special. It just “takes 5” and you can see the results.

Did we make it to midnight? Just barely…Happy New Year.

After the party

This is Sunday, the day after our Lead in to Christmas dinner. It was most enjoyable to say the least.  We had the signature martini (yummy). Even the Pear Cider with diced red pear garnish was a hit for our guests who do not drink alcohol.

One of the favourite things they ate was the cheese shortbread. True!  The dinner went well, lots of laughter and then we retired to the livingroom when we presented them with the tray of goodies.  I don’t think I have ever seen such surprised faces as that.

All in all, yes we were tired (not young anymore) and would we do it again? Absolutely!  We love it.  But when you do, be sure to call it what it is “A lead In to Christmas”… bring on the rest of the month we are all ready.