2nd Anniversary – Yup!

More than two years ago, three people (Bill – my guru, husband, Don, and myself sat down in my office and discussed what to do.  I had just published a cookbook on B & B’s. It had hints and tips for new operators of Bed and Breakfasts, along with some of our most favourite recipes we were serving our guests, but I wanted more. I had two other cookbooks ready to go to print and decided I would rather share with everyone who would read my site, all of those recipes.

All of a sudden, while trying to think of a catchy name, Bill or Don (can’t remember) came up with Damn I can do this. I loved it. We all did. From that time to now, I have been most faithful putting on a recipe, blogging a restaurant everyday and putting my thoughts (yes, I do have some) so it would be readable to you.

I get comments (love them) and always want more.  When I get down on myself for not having more followers, I could almost go for a martini. In case you didn’t know that, check out the ‘signature drinks”. Where is my glass?

It has been fun. I will admit, we are shy on being asked back to others for dinner, martini, cookie, glass of water…..BUT in my defense I absolutely love hot dogs, or a friendly cup of coffee offered sincerely as much as I do entertaining and making our guests feel so special.  Good manners or  a pretty table will never go out of fashion, regardless what some of the young people say.


I hope you do like what you see and read as I plan on being around for a long time yet.  Warning to hackers: you are not as funny as you think you are. You have caused some of my followers to become shy of returning to the site…boo to you and the expense of having my computer cleaned time and time again must really make you feel good. Me? Not so much.  But I will still be here planning, writing, cooking and baking and hoping that “good beats out the evil”.


Happy Anniversary to me and “Damn I can Do This”.