On facebook, the telephone, televsion commercials, etc. ALL say “Happy Thanksgiving”. Do they (we ) really mean it when we say it. Thankful for what?
Sure, we all say our family and friends….but just think for a moment….what about those who have neither family or friends? Or are ill or even dying?
We are thankful for our homes and food on the table…just for us? What about those who do not have a home that is safe and dry or even a hot meal to eat today. After all, it IS Thanksgiving and we keep saying “Happy Thanksgiving”.
In your heart of hearts have you reached out to someone in need this Thanksgiving season? A smile to a homeless person is sometimes all that is needed for THEM to be thankful. In a Hospice or Hospital room, a sincere touch of your hand on theirs may make a huge difference.
The Food Banks this week have had a drive on for non-perishable food for the Food Bank……did you help?
When we say Happy Thanksgiving here, it IS because of family and friends and it IS for the dry and safe haven we call home and a beautiful dinner that is being prepared as I write this and yes, we are indeed SHARING our meal today and yes, believe me, in THIS house, we are thankful for better health.
So from our home and hearts, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all who read this and perhaps, you might even agree. On the other hand, perhaps one of you may think about what I have said and even share a smile or buy a coffee or a meal for someone who isn’t quite as lucky as you.
Mean it when you say it and you will really be a THANKFUL person.