Menu for Special Brunch

Whenever and whatever the reason you have 6 – 8 people at the table for breakfast (weekend, birthday, weekend at the lake, more brownie points) this is a great menu.


  1. Waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream
  2. Ham and Cheese Muffins
  3. Cranberry Orange Scones
  4. Hashbrowns with mushrooms and cheese
  5. Sunday eggs and ham
  6. sausage patties
  7. fresh fruit tray
  8. raspberry chocolate torte

This looks like a lot but with a little preparation time (day before or so) it is easy to come together. Everyone will think you are a genius and then you can proclaim (to yourself) damn I DID it.  Wahoo!

You can have orange juice and sparkling wine to start and end up with a lovely cup of freshly brewed coffee and a glass of perfectly chilled ice wine. Do we know how to do this or what……yup, we do.