Recipe for Endurance in Love

I am off on a different channel today. While reading the paper this morning, I read where a lady didn’t know what to do with her husband’s flirting on the Internet. The answer from ‘whomever’ was to flirt everyday with your husband.

Another reader wrote in and said she would rather get a divorce than flirt after many years of marriage. WOW!  Really?

Next week my husband and I will celebrate  21 years of marriage and together 3 year before that. We flirt every day. I can’t imagine not playing the silly games we do. The kids would run from the room thinking we should be locked up.

Over the years, the total thrill of touching hands, walking into a room, walking out of a room, winks, smiles (special ones just for you) when you first date grows into years of  expressing opinions, yours- his and staying friends. still having your heart catch at the sight of him walking into the room, walking out of the room, rubbing my feet every night…..if I whine alot or plead through, sometimes, two sets of commercials on TV, I get the most fabulous foot massage.

Sure, it changes a little: family, bills, health….this  all comes to bear BUT that special giggle, wink, touch or pat makes it all worthwhile. You don ‘t just walk away…….Besides, if you don’t flirt early on and wait until the kids grow up and move away…pray tell me what you have. I could probably tell you what you have not…but then that is just me and that is only my opinion, not yours.

If you quit flirting, making time to be alone together, or just sharing your day, you have not earned the right to leave.

So…..walk into his/her space, blow a kiss, indulge in a kiss, tell a joke, pinch her fanny , rub his/her shoulders and just see what results. While making your partner the most important person in your eyes and his, you don’t have time to not get along. Keep the excitement flowing… the old saying goes “Too old smart, too young dead”.

Now, which room did my husband walk into…..I think he might need a hug……




Mother’s Day 2012

Mother’s are a special kind of human being. Some are good…some not so good…some super special but all are Mothers.  To be a mother I feel you are chosen for reasons unknown or unspoken for that particular child given you.

We are given hearts that expand with every movement, word, gurgle, laugh, hug or kiss.  We have broken hearts when our child is hurt or says hurtful things to us when they really don’t know what else to do.

We go every step of the way:  kindergarten, Grades 1 thru 12, perhaps College or University or trade…..always watching from a distance to catch them when they fall or are hurt because of a lost love or dying friend, question them to understand their thinking on a choice made and encourage all the way in what they do and do well.

I ache so much for my daughter who lives far away and a mother who has since left us for a better home with her beloved husband (my dad). We remember all the times we have shared and hope to continue sharing.

Yup! Mom’s are special people. I am one and know that only I  could love my child with the fervor and intensity that I do; only I could pray every day for safety in all actions she takes, wisdom in her thinking, and cry when we don’t communicate more often, fully knowing we love each other.

When we moved away from my parents, I never realized just how much we were missed, even though we spoke daily for 20+ years.

To one and all,  Happy Mother’s Day and may God Bless each and every one with riches and treasures greater than what money could ever purchase.





The Meaning Of True Friends

Yesterday, a group of friends held a dinner for us before we move away. It was truly from the heart.

The bond felt between 8 friends is hard to put into words except we were led on a path where we were meant to be. The laughter, lively conversation, singing impromptu-like and never knowing the words to songs is hilarius and the hugs, tears and well wishes and more hugs is a gift straight from God.

We are truly blessed with these friends and now, they get to come for visits and, of course, bring wine. (Actually we will live in an area of 140+ wineries).

Thanks for the memories as Bob Hope used to say!

Thanks one and all! More tomorrow.