Almond Cream Bombs

This is a true story and a very funny one. Our friends were holding a theme dinner, Chinese, and Don and I were to bring dessert. We tried..the internet, books, and this is what transpired.

When you can’t find the impossible, you:

1.  Look in every cookbook you own, ask friends, phone the Library and then, when all else fails, go to step 2.

2.  Drive around until you locate a Chinese grocery store.

3. Speak to the saleslady there and ask about what desserts are served with gourmet Chinese fare.

4.  The lady now tells you they are not big on desserts and usually settle for jello, cake or orange slices. Now as panic sets in, we look at their Bakery counter for some inspiration.

5.  Look at your watch and see that you have enough time now to get home, shower and get to the dinner  you must do the following:

6.  Buy 3 each of Pineapple-Coconut Cream Bombs and Almond Cream Bombs.

7.  Ask the lady how they are served and buy the Almond Custard she recommends.

8.  Put it together and as the guilt sets in (you know everyone else made from scratch) you tell a little white lie and hope you are forgiven and vow that the next time Chinese is on the menu, opt for some soup.

This is true and now, of course, as any cook/hostess fears, someone asked for the recipe.  At our next dinner, we handed out the above and we all had a great laugh. Sense of humor to the rescue.

Remembering this calls for a martini of some kind…..later.

Too Early? Nah…

Yesterday we delivered our invites for…get ready….our “lead-in to Christmas” evening. For years we have done this and believe me, it is one good thing that really makes a difference in your attitude for the remainder of December.

I get frustrated that we all seem to think we MUST have the perfect tree, the perfect gift, the perfect turkey.  No one can keep that pressure up and expect to enjoy the big day when it arrives.

Step back, take a big breath , grab a coffee and relax.  Look at your calendar and pick a date at the beginning of the month (December). Write it down.  Now, make a list for however many people you can accommodate in your home. Done?  Leave it for a few minutes/or a couple of hours.

Do you want a dinner? (we did for about 15 years)…what do you want to serve? Be sure to start with a signature drink (see my lists for ideas) and what hors d’oeurves you can serve with it. After the first drink, switch to wine. Remember, it is only a signature drink.

Now think of an appetizer, soup or salad or both, then the main course, and lastly, dessert.

Leave it now and go back to it in a little bit.

More tomorrow……

Hookey, AGAIN?

Ya know, sometimes adults playing hookey is a good thing. My favourite sister-in-law is here for a week and we have been also dealing with fence hole digging, landscapers working hard in 34C. We went down to Omak, Washington Tuesday to get away from it all and yesterday we did the wine tasting tour (3) and ate dinner at the NK’Mip Resort in Osoyoos.

The landscapers are back and so, today we are going in the other direction ….to Penticton to look around. We have company for lunch tomorrow and company for dinner tomorrow night.

Okay, so we played hookey. It all stops now and I have to get back to work. On a serious note….it was so much FUN. Later.

Dining Out With Small Children…Part 2

These are only tips that will keep EVERYONE  in the restaurant comfortable and happy to be there if a few steps are followed.

If you are going to be eating a little later than normal, take some crayons and paper or a toy with you. Give them a piece of fruit to eat before leaving home and they will not fuss so much if dinner is long in coming.

Take the time, at home, to be consistent with the use of manners and etiquette.  When they are out in pubic it will show. We have gone over and commented to parents when their children are a joy to watch. NEVER when they are misbehaved. Once, Don got up and offered to buy whatever it would take to get this one child stopped from that high shrill scream they have. My father wore a hearing aid and it almost broke his ear drum.  They finally took the kid outside until he calmed down and returned about 10 minutes later.

If your children (and  you) are chewing gum…remove it BEFORE entering the restaurant. DO not, under any circumstances, put it on your ear, finger tip,or  underside of your plate and NEVER stick it under the table.  Come On…would you like to clean that? Not me.

Parents please, please, please…do not loudly scold your children in a public place. It is embarrassing for them and for others. Immediately go outside or to the washroom to correct him/her/them. NEVER YELL!  I don’t know about you, but my Dad had a “look”. You just knew you had gone too far.

More later….

Dining out with small children

When we dine out (from McDonald’s to fine dining establishments) we notice two things.

1.  Parents who totally ignore what little Jane and/or Johnny is up to.  For example: running around the restaurant, chasing each other; making loud shrill screams; arguing with parents; fighting with siblings; tormenting each other OR

2.  Parents who have taken the time to instruct their children on how to behave when in public. For example:  no fussing; no tantrums; staying put.

The children in the second category have also been instructed on how to chew their food with their mouths closed and, if old enough, to use and handle their cutlery correctly.  They DO NOT throw their food around.

More to come…..

Sun, Sun, Sun

I decided to be like everyone else this weekend…enjoy the sun, Yes it is hot here but it is a dry heat and not so suffocating.

Last night we went to the campground here and had a super dinner with my cousin and her husband. It is great to be able to do this. For years the miles kept us apart but phone calls almost every week kept us up to date. To sit together and talk about the things we did (or in my case, of course) didn’t do is a big laugh and so enjoyed by the 4 of us.

We left a bit too early perhaps but the heat finally catches up and sleep seems like a great alternative.  We’ll see them next week for sure.

My other cousin, had just left for a holiday in Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland. Will have lots to catch up on when she returns.

After our walk this morning, we sat on the deck  drinking coffee, reading the paper, finally having breakfast.  Oh yeah, then we had lunch as well out there. Don says to me….’boy, this is the life of Riley, isn’t it?” Yup! have to agree.  Retirement should have happened  years ago. (Sorry, I am supposed to say semi-reirement. That’s for  him. Me? Uhuh…I am retired and lovin’ it.

Gee, must be time somewhere in this world where a martini would be a good idea. Later.

Did you know?

When I read something in a magazine  that really opens a few brain cells, I have to share the information.

Borrowed from a magazine article, a “Gourmet McCormick” advertisement says:

1 tsp. cinnamon contains as many antioxidants as 1/2 cup of blueberries or 1 cup pf pomegranate juice.

1 tsp. Oregano contains as many antioxidantsas 1 cup of red grapes

1 tsp. Thyme contains the same amount of antioxidants as 1 carrot or 1/2 cup of tomatoes.

Wow! Who knew?  Hey, this is pretty good seeing it is Saturday morning of a long weekend and is only 6:20 a.m. Have a great one. Later.

Table Setting: A Cut Above Casual

The table setting tonight is a touch above casual….Today, being a special occasion, I have used a  beige faux suede tablecloth, black charger plates, with snow white napkins with a black napkin cover and tan and black napkin holders. I added black wine glasses as well as black water goblets. My candles are a warm beige in colour set in black candleholders.

The china I am using today belonged to my husband’s mother. It is a  white plate with a silver rim and really looks amazing. Along with this is a cup and saucer at each plate.

Now to bring it a step more, add salt and pepper shakers at each setting (in my case tonight it is set for three) and individual butter dishes.

You could serve meatloaf and make t look amazing at this table. It isn’t so much what you serve to eat  BUT how it is presented.


Father’s Day Weekend

My husband, his two sons go on a golf weekend along with about 16 other  fellows and it is a tradition. A nice tradition I can assure you. To see father and sons together for fun times is a wonderful thing to watch.

We had a nice steak dinner with Trevor on Friday night as he leaves Sunday afternoon and tomorrow I am preparing scallops and lobster tails for Maurice and Don for their special day.

For those who still have their fathers, enjoy them, love them and keep them in your hearts. For us who have lost our fathers, there is a large hole in my heart, wishing my Dad would be at the end of the table tomorrow revelling in the spotlight. It was always a joy and believe me,he is ever missed and loved.

Time for a martini I think. Back at it tomorrow. Enjoy the day and put in your memory book in your mind. They are a treasure.

You Made Your Moms, Friends and Family Proud

Yes, we were disappointed but you didn’t understand, in your liquored state, IT WAS ONLY A GAME. So thank you one and all for showing the world just how we handle disappointment. My biggest thanks goes out to the Canucks who let me enjoy, laugh, cry and sit on the edge of my seat for 7 games and feel so alive. Well done. Truly, I thank you.

 Congratulations to all the hooligans that took part in that mob scene last night. You made your moms SOOOOO proud to watch you act like animals and look after that which wasn’t yours. Oh yes, your manners towards the police really showed just how well you listen when told to cease and desist and go home!

If our Judges had any gumption they should put one and all of these hooligans in the Army for 2 years (no excuses and no time off for time spent in jail). Then and only then will they appreciate and guard property, life and limb of others.

It’s Different Here

Today it is cloudy and a bit windy and the big thing today is the grand opening of  a new grocery store. Would you believe the whole town came out and half their relatives I swear. It was totally wall to wall people/carts and management passing off samples of cheese and candies. I think this is done to keep the tempers in check. The line up to PAY for the groceries went from the front of the store right to the back of the store in EVERY aisle. Also across the one side of the front, the Customer Service counter was putting through all the 20 items or less baskets. It was a huge success for the store opening and fun to see a small town in action. I am sure it will be talked about for weeks to come.

Then the Landscaper was here and showed us his drawings and he will surely make the yard look splendid. Now we just got the estimate for the LITTLE fence to go around part of our property, and they must make the fencing out of gold. YIKES! Alms for the poor, alms for the poor. Just kidding we really need to win a lotteryquick or else a good martini. Guess what I opted for?  Nah!

Friday Night Guests/Dinner

We are expecting guests for the weekend and are planning a horsie derve (lol) and signature drink while we watch the end of the hockey game and then proceed into a fabulous caesar salad that Don makes and deep fried baby nugget potatoes, grilled mediterranean veggies, rotissierie chicken (again a favourite of anyone who has tasted it) and a Chocolate Whipped Cream Cake for dessert. Then I will open and sample a new ice wine that I purchased here in the Valley and see what everyone thinks.

Tomorrow, of course, is breakfast will be  like we served at our Bed and Breakfast. All the recipes for that are in my cookbook.

Later…. I have a signature drink to prepare. I think it  will be Olivers Martini