This is a great idea. The kids can have a ball (no pun intended) and then maybe once a day, they can pick a decoration off the tree for a snack.
It is like making rice krispie squares, only ball shaped and decorated.
- 12 x 6 inch lengths of red string licorice
- 12 mini marshmallows (jet puffed)
- 3 tbsp. butter
- food colouring (optional) red, green or blue
- 4 cups jet puffed marshmallows
- 6 cups rice krispies cereal
- green or red frosting (can be bought in a tube)
- M &M candies for decoration
Carefully now, fold each licorice in half and push through each of the 12 marshmallows and set aside.
Melt the butter in a large pot over low heat and add the marshmallows and food colouring, stirring until all melted and smooth. Add the cereal and stir until completely mixed and all cereal has been coated.
Working quickly, make into balls surrounding the licorice piece, up to the bottom of the marshmallow. (should look exactly like a decoration you hang on the tree). With the icing, swirl it around the middle of the ball and add M&M’s scatter-like around the ball.
You now have your very own edible decorations. They don’t have to look professional as long as the kids had fun.
Warning: Make you an adult makes the balls as it may be too warm for kids to handle, unless they are older. Let them handle the icing in a tube and sticking the candies on the ornament.
Really cute!