1,000 And Counting

I made a promise over three years ago to my husband, Don, and my guru, Bill , that I would do this site every day….and I have. These two men are my great cheerleaders and teachers for me and I appreciate it, believe me.

There are signature drinks, soups, salads, vegetable dishes and meats, poultry and seafood and table settings ideas. There are Hors d’Oeurves, Appetizers…on and on.  Some have pictures and please know, our intentions for picture taking are pure of heart but, after we have consumed the dinner, we all exclaim “we forgot to take pictures”. This must mean we were starving or it was so darn good, we just ate and enjoyed it. (The latter is more of the truth).

I (and Bill) have tried six ways from Sunday to increase the number of supporters of this site but, either no one reads them or no one thinks to tell another person to come and try the recipes. There have been some (always want more, of course) comments of the recipes you HAVE tried.

This site and also the Damn I Gotta Read This site have become my passion and my “job”. You may agree or disagree and those comments are also printed. I don’t try to show that the recipes are so perfect your comments won’t show up. On the other hand, if I have said I didn’t care for a certain restaurant I will air opposing comments, HOWEVER, I cannot print silly statements from all their friends or staff trying to show otherwise. It is “I was there and this is what I thought”.

The comments, in general, have been so positive it stokes the juices to keep going. A feather in my (our) cap is after we put on a dinner for some very important people from Osoyoos Home Hardware, they asked us to do a cooking class in the Spring. Hoohaa! FINALLY!

This is something I have always wanted to do, but more importantly, hold a class or classes of entertaining at home…your home,  to make it easier, more fun and show that everyone who enters your home is ‘like royalty”. This means your kids, relatives, friends and guests get the same treatment. Darn, here I go again, oh well! If  you are  my family, you know of what I speak. I always set the table for Valentine’s, Birthdays and Anniversaries for the two of us the same way I would if you and your family were coming for dinner. He really is royalty in this home (and so am I).

My husband and I have worked together both “in the work force” and at home entertaining for 25 years. We have our strengths and not-so-strong abilities and work on them together. I think we have it down pat but there are always new things to learn, to try, to test and..sometimes, say no to.

Unless you are a professional Chef or have the backing of some pretty good sponsors, my site must be one of a small number for longevity…over 3 years – 1,000 recipes and 1 published cookbook. (have you bought yours yet?) and hopefully, in the future, more supporters. Just sign on.

Thank you for letting me come into your home and share what we do with you. I hope you will try to take 5 and make your table look great, try some of the more involved recipes and pat yourself on the back for succeeding. It can be fun…no, actually, it IS fun. Try it and then pass it on!

Now I have to go and blow out ALL those candles!!!! Where is the wine?

1000 Posts! and going strong!

Congratulations to Bonnie on her 1000th (that’s one thousand for those of you who forgot your reading glasses!) post.  We baked her a cake and got no where near all 1000 candles on it


Sorry, I didn’t get a picture after we lit the candles.  We were scrambling to put out the smoke detector, and then the table cloth.

In the meantime, look up your favourite post and find that recipe you always wanted to try.  Go for it!  And let Bonnie know what you think of her hard work.  Comments are so greatly appreciated!  Have no fear, or, as Bonnie says “Damn! I can do this!”

Tips On Making The Perfect Burger

Alright, I admit it, I don’t barbecue, but my beloved husband does. These are some great tips and may be useful if you are a beginner with the tongs and heat, or one who consistently burns everything in sight.

If it is warm outside and your hands ar warm, first hold a few ice cubes in them to cool them down. You want to have cold hands and working quickly, shape them. They should be about 1 inch thick for even cooking and you should cover the patties with waxed paper and refrigerate for about an hour before grilling.

If you think you know everything about grilling, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read the following. Always turn your barbecue on high for about ten minutes with the lid closed. Now with a brisk brush clean the grills and then oil them so nothing will stick.

Place the patties and cook until they are well marked. Don’t rush it. When it is cooked, it will release itself. If not, it will tear the burger. Never, ever press your burger with a spatula. This releases all the juices and the flavour disappears. When they are well marked and can easily be lifted, place them on another part of the barbecue where it is not so hot and further cook them through.

Warm your buns, add any and all condiments on them and then add the burger. OMG! will they ever taste good.

Note: your can insert cubes of cheese in the middle of the patty before cooking and cover it up with the meat, or finely chopped mushrooms, or a creamy horseradish dollop. Anything you want. You can also add a fried egg on top of the cooked burger or a salsa or fried, crispy onions, or a grilled portabella mushroom top and/or bacon.

Serve this with the grilled Romaine Salad and you will have a meal fit for a king. Honest!


Everything You Wanted To Know About Tortillas

When you go to a Mexican restaurant, if you are like us, you always ask for explanations of what is what. Here is the scoop…..


1.  Tortillas are soft, round flatbreads made from corn flour, water and salt. This is true and is a Mexican staple in their diet.

2.  If you heat a tortilla, fold it or roll it around a filling and eat with your hands – it is called a Taco.

3.  If you wrap tortillas around a filling and cover with a sauce and melted cheese – it is called Enchiladas.

4.  If your tortillas is made with wheat flour and not corn – it is called a Burrito.

5.  If you toast or deep fry a tortilla until it is crisp and cover with toppings – it is called a Tostada.

6.  Hard-shelled tacos are an American invention.


There, now we all know…just sayin’…

Anniversary Time

Twenty-two years ago today, Don and I were married in Killiney Beach, in our yard overlooking the Okanagan Lake. This lovely community lies between Vernon and Kelowna on what our friends called “puke road”. The west side road. It  is a dandy, to say the least.

We have had our share of ups and downs, good times and times that definitely could have been better. The bittersweet memories from that day are that my parents, aunt, uncle and Don’s brother-in-law  are no longer with us.

The good times now is having 5 ‘kids’ working on making their own lives work for them, having two of our grandchildren graduating from high school this year and living in our dream home in Canada’s only desert. The best thing for me is that Don is much better, health-wise, since we moved here. I thank God every day for this, believe me.

He is a super-duper cook, wonderful father, grandfather and husband. Besides, he is so much fun to tease and flirt with every day it makes life so good for us.  This is something neither one of us takes for granted.

He made me wait three years before he asked me to marry him and I didn’t give him the chance to take a second breath. Did you really think I was crazy? Besides, his sister always said she would have married him first  ‘cuz he is such a wonderful cook.

I met Don 25 years ago through friends and fell so hard for this man with the silken voice. We talked for hours on the phone (something I very rarely do, except when talking to Kelly or Suzanne) and planning and carrying off surprises for this guy is always the best thing to do.

Am I in love with this man? There aren’t enough stars in our Universe to place separately on each one the feelings I have for this wonderful man. He owes me 40 years still. (It was 40 years the day I married him and every day I tell him he still owes me 40 years.

Thank you Don for all you have given me and, again, you owe me 40 years.

p.s. I love you so, so much.


Happy Canada Day – sort of

We have already been to a neighborhood celebration last night and, although the temperature is inching towards 40 degrees, there is another one planned for tonight in the other direction and on the lake. So today, I thought would be a good day to finish planning for a dinner upcoming.

We are in the middle of planning (actually, it is me) a dinner coming in September. A very special dinner…..so I have been writing out the menu – sort of and then writing down all the ingredients that will be needed. When we return from vacation, we can just pop into Costco and then head on home.

Sounds good so far?   Well, three years ago I made a dessert at Christmas and I knew what it was but needed the recipe. So, I googled it – nothing. I checked every cookbook we own and – nothing. I jokingly said to my husband “wouldn’t it be funny if it was my own recipe  and on my site?”.  That was at the 2 hour time of searching.

Another hour and I then went to my sight and looked through every dessert recipe I have put on for the last three years. HA! There it was…so very long ago and all but smiling back at me.  It took me almost 4 hours of frustration before I found it.

Lesson to be learned from this? Look here first, of course. After posting almost 1,000 recipes here, you would think I was smarter than that.

Okay, I am so tickled pink about finding it, I had to share.

Father’s Day – Memories

Father’s Day can be a day of great joy and happiness with all the family treating their Dads  like a King For The Day, or it can be one that is bittersweet…happier memories of days gone by and the sorrow of not having him still with you.

For me, it is remembering some of the really happy times, Irish sayings, his pride in self, a strong moral code and a twinkle in his eye. He sang whenever there were Irish songs to be sung or wartime hits from the past. He was as honest as the day is long and instilled in us that our good name was the one thing that money could not buy. He had a work ethic second to none.

One of my father’s favourite things was being with his grandaughters…playing with them, showing them ways to do things and also scolding whenever necessary. He loved his wife above all, then his kids and did for all of us what he could.

My father was deeply religious but he never preached. This was kept within himself and he lived his life this way. We were never without a roof over our heads, food on the table and did the best he could for all the yearly celebrations, birthdays and Anniversaries. The fact is, we knew he did love us, although for most of our lives, he didn’t know how to tell us – he did by his actions not hugs and words.

My Dad’s gift to the family at Chrismas was to take the family out for dinner on Christmas Eve – siblings and their spouses and grandchildren. I miss that at Christmas still to this day.

My father passed away 13 years ago and there isn ‘t a fortune in the world I would keep if I could only hear his voice just one more time or see his smile or watch him tease my mother. Yeah, I love him and his memory is with me and actually grows stronger each day. I talk to him, ask him questions and pretend I know his answers. This is my way to cope with such a loss.

My husband’s kids are so, so lucky to have their Dad still. Don has lived a life in illness for a long, long time but is always there when and if they need him. The boys come out and spend the Father’s Day weekend golfing with him and he can never get to the time fast enough when they are coming without being anxious to see them once again. He loves all his children including  his “middle” daughter so much . He is a super grandad to his 4 grandchildren. Yup! They are so blessed for this time together.

To all Dad’s out there – Happy Father’s Day.

If you have your Dad still – love him. He is not perfect but he is the one that has been loaned to you in the big scheme of time. He was chosen for you for a reason. If your Dad has passed away, remember the good times with tears of  joy, not sadness for his being gone.

Dads are in our lives for just enough time for them to accomplish their job with us, as we are only loaned to each other. Don’t be sad and wish, selfishly, shedding bathtubs full of tears, for your Dad to come back. If he was very ill…it wouldn’t be a favour to him….only you.

Love what you have….love the memories you have within you. It is a win-win situation no matter which way it sits at your home.

Pop – I love you and yes, I miss you and  do wish you were still here, but for me, not so you would continue to be ill and suffer more.

I would love to dance with you just one more time. It was always so much fun!

Meanings of May Long Weekend

Everyone has ideas of what to do on a long weekend: camping, long road trips to exciting new places or return to a favourite spot. Our family this year is celebrating a 50th Anniversry and a Wedding for the same family, on the same day.

My cousin and her husband are celebrating 50 years married and, earlier in the day, their son and his girlfriend are being married.

This makes it an exciting time for family and friends to, once again, get together to celebrate happy times. May all their planning come off flawlessly and that the weather cooperates so all can be enjoyed as this will all be held outdoors.

Good luck and congratulations to all involved and we will await  your next 50 years. For today, it is wine touring….sounds good to me, for sure.

Take care and drive safe wherever you go. We need you all back home on Monday.

My Thoughts This Mother’s Day 2013

This morning I was thinking about my Mom, as I do daily, and I could hear her voice calling out to me to  “straighten those feet”. She did this until I was walking properly. I was not even in school then but, like most kids, was pigeon-toed. She was not going to let me be one of them. Now I say ‘thanks Mom’.

She taught me how to skip, clean house (chores as a kid), treat guests who entered our home, and  only she could make a roast beef dinner so good and tasty and with the darkest gravy. On a good day we would even get yorkshire puddings as well. Every meal had a dessert and always conversation. Sometimes good, sometimes no-so-good. For all of it…‘thanks Mom’.

I wanted to wear stiletto heels (I was 15 years old) and she told me I could only wear them if I didn’t ‘wobble’. It took me 3 minutes to conquer that one. Let me tell you I wanted to wear those things so badly.  She always made sure when I was leaving the house, either to work or on a date, I looked the very best I could. Not too much make-up, clothes pressed and clean, shoes polished (my Dad’s deal – had to have good looking shoes). Now, for all these reasons,  I say ‘thanks Mom’.

I have just now turned a very, very young 70 (well I am) and my Mom passed away 8 years ago this coming summer, and darn it, I miss her still so badly. We didn’t always agree on life-things, but what I wouldn’t give to hear her voice just one more time. To hear her call out to us to make ‘Dad stop’. He always was flirting with her, or pretending to pinch her and she would call out to us and then laugh. Even so, I can say ‘thanks, Mom’.

She made a pastry like no one has ever made anything like it. So to have a freshly made apple pie or pumpkin pie was true heaven. If offered either/or as a choice, everyone always took both. (greedy little beggars we were).Miss that taste of your pastry…umm, yeah! ‘thanks Mom’.

I am a Mom to one, “step-mom” to 4 more and a Grandby to 4 wonderful grandkids. I wonder just what they will remember from our  relationship with each other. Did they learn anything from me? or close their ears?  Will they say things I used to say (as we constantly do with our parents). Will they laugh and say Grandby and Grandad were sure silly, funny people who gave their all to everyone? I love them ferociously and would give my life to protect a single hair on their heads, if danger was present. For having the capacity to feel this, I can say ‘thank you God’.

So if you are a child, adopted or not, love your Moms with all you have. Tell her often and speak as often as you can. Don’t be so angry you shut her out of your life over something that may have occurred long time past. Nothing could ever be that serious and, unless you are a Mom yourself,  you couldn’t possibly comprehend the devastation she would feel. She knows you love her, but it doesn’t take but a second to give a heart-felt hug, kiss, or phone call and TELL her you love her. We, as humans, thrive on being told we matter, we are loved, and that we would have a hard time, if you weren’t here. Trust me, if you knew my Mom or you even know me, you will know why I am saying ‘thanks Mom’,

From my heart of  hearts, Happy Mother’s Day Mom. I always have a hard time when I pass all the cards in the store celebrating this special day. I can’t buy them anymore for you, but I do still in my heart. I always look for the ones with purple flowers and words that mean something, knowing how much you would like it. Yes, I still care and miss you always. The tears will always fall down my cheek, as they are now, when I remember things from so many years ago, yet still so fresh in my mind.

‘Thanks Mom…for all the memories, for teaching me so many things and the fact I am now looking more and more like you every day, I can honestly say ‘thanks Mom’.

I really do Love you…..

To all of  you…remember your Mother,  and with your children, make memories with them and for them. They will always remember. If this touches a cord with you, why not pass it on?


A True Act of Love

Birthdays come and go and everyone celebrates in different ways. This was done for me this year and without going into the reasons why, I have only had very few birthday celebrations in my whole life.

For many weeks now, Don was telling me my sister-in-law was coming here to celebrate with me this year. (Reaching a new decade is cause for something). On Friday we drove up to the airport and I am intently watching everyone arrive and no “little redhead” coming off the plane. The next thing that happened is the face of my daughter popping up in front of me saying “how’s it going sunshine”. I almost fainted and certainly could hardly breathe for a few minutes.

We head for home and the next couple of days were busy. My cousin showed up (she was expected) for a night and then on Monday I was told “not to ask questions” and don’t go outside. The consiracy between my daughter and husband was epic. It was funny, cute and heart warming all at once.

Now the phone calls start, and the timeline of mine is loading up with good wishes, jokes and jibes. The cards from special friends brought a few tears and, believe it or not, Don and Kelly went over and above anything  you could imagine.

At about 5 p.m. the doorbell starts ringing and 14 friends show  up. Don cooked, put together all the dinner and appetizers; Kelly made some guacamole and salsa, set up the bar, played bartender, set up the deck and the two of them really worked hard, all day long.

This was an act of love. Truly planned, executed with nothing but smiles and hugs and love. You will never know how blessed I feel right now. Don is definitely a ‘keeper’ and I wish we could ‘keep’ Kelly.

To one and all, thank you so much. This was one celebration I will never forget…..ever.

Love? Nothing that money can buy. It is from the heart, given freely and when it falls on the one it is directed to…priceless. And to my two granddaughters and Suzanne…no one could sing it any better. Wendy and Bill?  Don ‘t quit your day jobs….tee hee.

The Pendulum Is Turning

The other morning I was watching the news and one of the segments was telling everyone that young women and girls ARE RETURNING to a more classic way of entertaining. Yippee! Returning to good china, crystal glasses, etc.

If you have been a follower of this site for the last three years, you would know from the recipes to the signature drinks to the table settings, we do not simply “throw the food on the table” and hope for the best.

Setting a pretty table may take nothing more than cloth napkins with a napkin ring. It should always have candles, perhaps some fresh flowers. Of course it will have a clean and IRONED TABLE CLOTH.

You can go to the Super Store, Costco or Walmart (or any other big box store) and purchase Charger plates. They don’t have to be expensive but they add another dimension to the table appearance. Try this a few times and then add one more thing for a Sunday dinner or company coming for the evening dinner.

It could be individual salt and pepper shakers for each plate. These are small, inexpensive and they really do have a wow factor. Many, many times at our dinners people will comment on them.

What I have been trying to say is, tell your family or friends what  you are doing or they may just notice on their own. I have a fabulous “step-daughter” who is always adding to my collection. I have individual tiny gravy boats and now I have some individual sauce boats. Wow! Again, these are from Suzanne.

My daughter, Kelly, gave me white professional grade napkins (12). They wash up like a dream and iron even better. Ha Ha! You may have to dust off the iron here. She also, is always adding things to be used.

Each time, these astute daughters add on, it makes the table show to those seated around it that they matter.  My husband’s niece gave me beautiful, individual place card holders at Christmas. They were black and gold…so was my table setting this year. Perfect! It is great. I have been adding to and have collected now for about 16 years.

Our one-time friends also added…material for table cloths, and many other items. You can ‘t do it all at once, but just take a good long look at the table settings on this site and you can see. I still pick up ‘stuff’ to make a table look beautiful. It only” takes five”.  Stand back and take a real good look at the table and in five minutes I will bet you can add something to enhance it.

Go ahead and try it. I am thrilled to see the trend returning.

Three Day Entertaining

This is one busy weekend coming up and this is where planning ahead helps. A lot!

Friday we have a friend coming here for dinner and staying over. So, for him, we are having:   (He is French- as well Don is too) See how we planned the food to suit.


  • Mini pizza starters with a glass of wine
  • Caesar salad
  • Twice baked potato
  • Corn on the Cob
  • T-bone steak
  • Lemon Cream with Almond Madeleines


Saturday we are having a most delightful new friend, who is sooooo French she is truly adorable and for her, we are having:

  • Stuffed Butterfly Shrimp with a glass of wine
  • Three cheese Risotto (I love this stuff)
  • Green String beans
  • Rack of  Lamb
  • Lemon Cream with Almond Madeleines (plan once, eat twice)


Sunday…this is St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations and we worked on making sure we were serving food that is normal in Irish Pubs in Ireland and this is what we found out:

Classic Poutine (yes, this is true) from scratch, not frozen

Garden Pea Soup (oooooh, this is delightful)

  • Steak and Guiness Pie
  • Irish Soda Bread
  • Mac ‘N Cheese (6 different cheeses used, here)Sticky Toffee Puddings with Caramel sauce – one guest does not eat  sweets,  so instead we have a plate of fruit, cheese and crackers for her)

Green Beer to start and wine throughout


Everything for the next three days was planned, prepared in advance where we could and yes, my table is set already. I do this, just in case….just in case something happens in the kitchen that would take  up more time than planned for.

House is cleaned, sparkles and, of course, greener than Ireland itself. Music is at the ready so let it all begin. Pictures will be happening by Monday.