Happy New Year

Take a moment before going out on New Year’s Eve to party the night away.  Sit down and write all your blessings on a sheet of paper….can’t think of any? I’ll bet you can write out more than you ever thought possible.

Our year of 2011 was blessed more than we ever could have thought possible. We moved to another part of the Province;  built and furnished our new home which was so exciting. Had family come and visit, we showed them all over our “faux France” as we so fondly call it. We were fortunate to take two vacations this year; we have five wonderful kids, two spouses, 4 grandchildren all of whom we adore; a smattering of friends; family and aquaintances that have made a difference in our lives. I have an Aunt who is 93 and counting, and Uncle in his 80’s, both who are like second parents to me and cousins I love and who make up my family. A husband who loves me unconditionally; food on the table, roof over out heads…..Blessed? Absolutely! Take it for granted? Never. A strong faith and wonderful Dr’s to look after us. We have been truly blessed and look forward to 2012.

May you all think before acting, love others even though they are different  from you, have fun and always be safe. See you in the New Year.

Merry Christmas

To everyone who follow this site, may the joys of Christmas come from the heart remembering the real reason for this day. The gifts actually are such a small part of Christmas. From our home to yours, all the best for today and the upcoming year.


Blessings to all!

Fruit Flies

I know it is winter but I wanted to make sure  you had something to refer to when the weather warms up (if you don’t live in the tropics) and buy lots of fruit.  The most annoying part of summer is the annoying fruit fly.

A simple way is to put some apple cider vinegar in a cup and leave it on the counter. It works but is not a “fast cure”.

One way is to plug all the drains in your kitchen. They seem to hatch their eggs inside the drains.  Be sure to refrigerate all  your fruit.  Wash them when you first bring them home and then put them in the fridge (except bananas, they go black).

Another way, is to check your windows. You will find several here, so if  you are fast enough, hit them with the good old fashioned fly swatter.  If that fails,  spray them with hair spray. This will prevent them from flying and you can dispose of them.

You have to be alert and catch them when you first see them as they multiply at a very fast rate.  Good luck and I hope this helps.

After the party

This is Sunday, the day after our Lead in to Christmas dinner. It was most enjoyable to say the least.  We had the signature martini (yummy). Even the Pear Cider with diced red pear garnish was a hit for our guests who do not drink alcohol.

One of the favourite things they ate was the cheese shortbread. True!  The dinner went well, lots of laughter and then we retired to the livingroom when we presented them with the tray of goodies.  I don’t think I have ever seen such surprised faces as that.

All in all, yes we were tired (not young anymore) and would we do it again? Absolutely!  We love it.  But when you do, be sure to call it what it is “A lead In to Christmas”…..now bring on the rest of the month we are all ready.

Holiday Tips

Just when you think you don’t have ‘anything’, take another look around. Is there a Dollar Store near you?  If so, go pick up some small cookie cutters. Make them different.  Then when you set your table, pull your napkin through, Voila! Now let your guests take them home with them.


If you want a simple but elegant, table centre, use a pretty glass container, fill it with fresh cranberries, insert a floating candle or three and again, it is inexpensive yet  pretty to look at. If you have a tree outside, cut off some cedar and wrap it around the base of the glass container. Now THAT is a showpiece. Right?

Cost: Minimal, Look: terrific, Memories: Priceless!




Use small Christmas balls, and take a place card for each one, write their name on individual cards, insert into the top of the ball  (or use glue or doublesided tape) and set it on the table. Pretty, innovative and costs next to nothing.

The thing to remember is it doesn’t have to be expensive.  Just let your imagination run with new ideas. It makes a HUGE difference and, again, the memories people come away with are priceless.

If you have other ideas, please comment and everyone benefits.

Getting Ready – Tips and Hints

People think I don’t have a life outside my site, but I do and when we plan a dinner, especially one as big as this, it takes time to prepare for the entire month-not just one night.

The Christmas cards and Christmas letter are done and ready to be mailed December 1. We have some of the outside lights up, but not turned on just yet. We have a few more to buy. It is a good idea to do this when the weather is decent and not in a snow storm.

The two lighted deer who move, are put now together and will be put outside just in front of the patio wall of windows so everyone inside can see them work. We bought two 3 ft. tall Christmas Trees with lights already on them and placed one on each side of the fireplace. The evening of the dinner, we will turn them on.

I spent a few days thinking about a ‘theme’ colour for the dinner settings and so far have settled on a (best way to describe it) is a winter greyish/bluish colour. Now that made sense, didn’t it?  When the table is set, we will post a picture for you to see. I have made about 16-17 different items for the trays and have one more to go. I made my dessert and put it in the freezer.

We bought the clear wrap used for baskets and ribbon. I still have to type up what is on the tray so the recipients will know.  Oh yes, I am going to type up menus for our guests to read and take home. They do….every year….


The candles, tablecloth and tablecloth cover are picked out and ready to go on the table . If this seems early, it gives me the opportunity to gather all what I need for the table and put it there for when I am ready to set the table.


The menu  has been tweaked a few times to make sure it will all flow smoothly. We try hard but it isn’t always possible.


I am so lucky to have my talented furniture-maker husband. He is now making me a tall, thin table to house all the wine, glasses and snacks to enable people to pick their own and at their leisure. It also gives me time to spend with our guests. This is why we invite them over.  Small plates and napkins will also be set out.


I know I am forgetting a few things, but as I have another week to work on it, I hope I can remember it all. Oh yeah! Can’t forget the Christmas Tree to be put up and decorated. I can do this! and I have for many, many years. It is a lot of fun once you have put one of these dinners under your belt. Honest…..




Sugar Fruit for Christmas Display

For any other celebration you may have.

  • 2 egg whites whipped to frothy
  • Fruit: apples, oranges, lemons, limes, grapes.
  • pastry brush
  • parchment lined cookie sheet
  • sanding sugar

Lightly brush each fruit with egg white and spoon the sanding sugar over to coat.  Set on cookie sheet for about 4 hours to dry.  Arrange in a pretty fashion.

You can order the sanding sugar (from anywhere) from Scoop ‘N Save in Langley.com. They are so accommodating to work with. If you place your order in the morning it is shipped out that very same day. I did and I got it the very next morning.

I will be doing mine up in about 2 weeks for our big dinner party and will post pictures.

Holiday Baking List 2011

Each year, I make up trays to give away at our “pre” Christmas evening with friends.

This year, this is my list.  Take from it and make your own list for you and yours to enjoy and always have on hand should you get unexpected company.

  • Lemon Poppyseed Loaf with Lemon icing
  • Oatmeal/Pecan Cookies
  • Maple Pecan Tarts
  • Lemon Shortbread
  • Almond Sugar Cookies
  • Christmas Gumdrop Cake
  • Mediterrean Custard Tarts
  • Pecan Shortbread
  • Spiced Pecans, Walnuts, Cashews and Almonds
  • Nuts and Bolts
  • Almond Roca – homemade
  • Oh Boy! Squares
  • Lemon Bars
  • Egg Nog Pound Cake

That is 15 items and should be enough. Well, I didn’t include my whipped shortbread, but then everyone in the world has that recipe.  So it is really 16.  If giving any of this away, be sure to tell people tht it should be frozen if not eating right away.


Gingerbread Houses

Last year there was a competition to make the best houses and it turned out to be a real family affair. (Not me but an avid follower to this site).

I have only heard a whisper about some more happening. Let me know what you are doing and also add pics so everyone can see.


My Comments

I have always felt adults were left out and only went through the motions of being happy and relaxed. Stress levels are high because we put the pressure on ourselves for the pefect everything for that one day.By using the ‘lead in’ approach to the holiday season such as Christmas, you as the adult, have shared one evening with like-minded friends, enjoyed it immensley and are relaxed enough to go ahead with your celebration day/dinner feeling happier than you have in years.  Try it once and see……….. it will give you the ‘mental adjustment’ needed to make it happen.

In the meantime, cook, bake and entertain with a passion that holds no barriers.

By the way, I keep getting a comment on my site that I am copying someone else’s story.  I have not now or ever, copied another’s story.  What you get here is only me. ’tis sad but true.

I hope you enjoy reading and using my recipes and ideas to make that ‘damn, I can do this’ level. It is only fun!

Romance At Its Best

A few years back  prior to Valentine’s Day, my husband pulled a fast one. We had already decided to give each other golf lessons, but he went one step further and left me with a memory I will never forget.

I was at work and we always went  for coffee next door. This one day (February 14) the girls were “hurry up and let’s go”  and they literally left in a cloud. It took me a minute to close down my computer and when I opened the door at the bottom of the stairs that led into the store, everyone was standing there with big, silly grins on their faces.

Customers and staff alike listened while a Barber Shop Quartet sang two incredible love songs, gave me a white rose (my favourite) and chocolates. I was so taken aback as never in my life before had someone been so thoughtful. The result: they had to get a mop and wipe up the tears. I was sobbing. I kid you not. This is true.

When I got home, I laid the table as I would for royalty coming, candles, flowers, champagne, “Jenny Craig” dinners, homemade angel food cake and homemade buttermilk sorbet. It was absolutely fabulous.

It is what I have been saying all along, it is HOW you present not WHAT you present. This is a memory never to be forgotten and yes, it is 20 plus years at this time and I love him most dearly. Lucky me!

Impromtu Breakfast Planning

A few years back there was a showing in Victoria highlighting Leonardo da Vinci just after Christmas. We asked a couple of friends if they wanted to join us.  Well, we were off.

The day before we were leaving it was announced that the lunchroom staff on the ferry were on strike. Did that deter four determined friends? Not at all.

This is what we did.

I got up really early and made fresh cranberry scones and blueberry lemon muffins (The B & B Cookbook). We packed a picnic basket with tablecloth, napkins, butter, knives, candles (I did so), plates and, of course, a deck of cards. We were bridge fanatics.

While we were enjoying our scrumptuous breakfast, people were giving us and our precious cargo a second look. We played bridge until we arrived in Victoria.

That is not all. After the museum visit and dinner, we opened up the picnic basket again and, lo and behold, we unload cheese, pate, nuts and candies to help us through a vigorous night of bridge. Our friends could not believe their eyes. This, by the way, started a trend that lasted  about 15 years of travels together.

It was a lot of fun. Try it yourselves.