Day Before Dinner

Okay, okay, I know I have said many, many times to plan ahead and I did, sort of….

Today, while Don is baking his duck terrine (started prepping last night), I went for a pedicure. Why? I needed it…

I came home, vacuumed the kitchen floor and washed it, washed the floors in the two bathrooms on the upper floor, waiting for Don to be finished with the oven. When he is done I shall peel, core and season my fruit to be baked and ready for tomorrow. I have to crush the gingersnaps, and prepare the topping for the dessert.

I still have to finish the table and oh, crap, as I was typing this, I just remembered I have dinner rolls to do.

We have the horsie durves (deliberately spelled this way) to start and then go down to the “Gathering Room” and vacuum, dust, and set up for our guests. Then I have that bathroom to clean.

After collapsing tonight with a drinkie-poo, tomorrow it is just the last minute touches. I have flowers (fresh) at the front entrance and fresh flowers at each setting on the table. There is a fresh bouquet on the table in the livingroom.

Candles are out and ready to be lit (non scented, due to allergies) and there we go. Another dinner done.

Fun? Absolutely… to come



A Day In The Week Of….

Well, with company coming Saturday, there is a lot to get done before then. Also, on November 11, we do our Christmas baking for our give-away trays.

So, here it goes….Monday I made my lemon shortbread, pecan shortbread and cheese shortbread. I did this because once you make the dough, it must be refrigerated for one to three hours to get stiff and ready for baking. With the two of us working and baking all day, I thought it would ease the space just a little.

We have two trips to make to Penticton this week (one just to go and pick up the duck we were able to purchase from our friendly Chef Paul), the other to finish our grocery shopping. Then I have the dessert to start, table to set, house to clean and, on the last day, floors to clean.

Don has the duck terrine to make, salmon to prepare, and a potato dish to work out (so far unknown).

Sunday morning we start. Don makes his tourtiere and, hopefully, his antipasta, which is to die for.

Oh, did I tell you before….last week when we were getting our flu shots, he noticed there was a bake sale coming next week at the Seniors Centre and, oh gosh, his wife would be happy to participate. Right…so yesterday I scoured the cookbooks and my site to come up with something new and different. I found about 6 different items to tackle so next Monday I, again, go on another bake-a-thon.

The good thing is….I love it and the bad thing (or good) is neither of us can eat any of it….haha jokes on us. We are trying to lose weight.

Heck, I need a martini just thinking about all this.

Professionals? Not….

I am getting so ticked off I can hardly think. The word professional conjures up things like…studied hard to attain the title, worked hardto prove you earned title, and would NEVER be anything less than professional.

Teachers, at least in B.C., hold for ransom the children and parents. Grade 12’s were robbed of their grads (as they were before the ‘professionals” went on strike) and awards were not given out, report cards were not marked…but their leader ??? told us consistently they were ‘only looking out for the children’..poppycock…it was for more money.

This strike cost parents hundreds of dollars out of their pocket. The teachers….still on strike. Oh, yeah, I forgot..they wanted MORE money. But they only had the children in mind this whole time

Hockey players and all “professional” athletes…money,money, money. I really don’t feel that ANY man/woman is worth multi millions and then have the audacity to go on strike for more money. In the meantime, businesses that depend on these events go broke, close down and have no way to pay wages, mortgages of their own B UT the professional athlete doesn’t give a rat’s darn about that. It is always about money, money, money. Millions are lost and can never be gained back….ever.

I feel I am a professional…I go to work each and every day, I work hard to attain the same level of professionalism….now does that mean I can go on strike? For what? Money- Not…..Comments…sometimes….pleasing a reader because they could venture forth and make one of the recipes that just might give her cause to tremble…..absolutely. I have had years and years of ‘professional’ entertaining, table setting, finding and making signature drinks to present to guests, teaching you, my readers, to try to go one step further and try upping the presentation.

Mad? Absolutely….Can I do anything about this? Probably not…Do you even care? Only your comments will show. Pass it along to all your friends and see if they care.

I am done. I have tried now for over 2 years to do something that you might like, but when I challenged you to add even one person, I would donate to the Food Bank, but there was no response.

 As crazy as this sounds, this has been a passion of mine, I loved coming to work each and every day and always, always tried to make it so you could entertain well and feel good about yourself. I love this blog. I really do.
My husband said the other day, I am only doing this for me. I got angry but I guess he is right. I am in tears that this has not done what I prayed for.

Two years ago, I promised my husband and Bill, my guru and constant helper, I would not miss a day. Even when we went on vacation , I always had my work ready to be posted each and every day. All I got in return was porn hacking to my site….twice. Cost a couple of hundred dollars to clean it up.

I thought I was being a professional…….

Starting Ahead of Baking Time

With so much over-whelming news about the east coast weather and on the west coast…two earthquakes in three days…I decidedI needed a pick-me-up. I made the dough for my cheese shortbread and put it in the freezer and I now have the Gumdrop Christmas Cake in the oven.

The dishwasher is going and when my cake comes out of the oven, I will make lunch and then clean my oven. Next week it will be running for hours on end and it needs to be sparkling clean before we start.

THEN  I have to make a list of things to be done in order be ready for the dinner next  Saturday. This may sound crazy, but when I do this (for me it works), I don’t have any last minute panics. Things like cleaning the silverware, lining up what we are serving, making sure the grocery list is completed, table setting ideas…..

Darn good thing I did…the dessert I am making will take about three days prepping.  Day 1 I will make the pound cake and  then on day 2, I will make the pumpkin/rum/lime custard….did I get your attention?

Day 3 – I will complete the dessert.  The dessert is a pumpkin-rum trifle and is truly amazing. It is one of those recipes that says to you “damn I can do this”. I did.

Wow! I may have to have a martini later….haha

We did a ton of shopping last weekend but it had to cover the baking we do on November 11th.

Christmas Baking List 2012

Here we go again….time to start thinking about what to bake for this year.  Some of my favourites are always on the list and a couple of new ones. One thing for sure, it WILL change from time to time as we go through the day(s) around November 11th and something new will crop up.

Here we go…..

  • Italian cookies
  • Chocolate Flowers
  • Raspberry Meringues
  • Victoria cookies
  • Cheese Shortbread (for company coming)
  • Whipped Shortbread
  • Lemon Shortbread
  • Pecan Shortbread
  • Christmas Gumdrop Cake
  • Lemon Bars
  • Custard Tarts
  • Maple Pecan Tarts
  • Cranberry/Pistachio bark
  • Spiced Nuts
  • Candied Nuts
  • Nuts and Bolts
  • Truffles

What can I say? Bring it on. This is the time we have sooooo much fun. Don makes his Tortiere the same time. We go like stink in the kitchen all day and then drop in the easy chair with a huge sigh!

The Reason for Setting The Table

We believe that all guests (including family members) should be treated like royalty all the time. If you take anyone for granted you are less likely to make the effort to raise the bar. Try and set your table the day before (if you can) or first thing in the morning for sure. When this is out of the way, you can concentrate on the dinner. Should something unforeseen happen and you find there is just enough time to finish your dinner preparations, it will have been worth having prepared your table earlier.

Once you have set out the charger plates,* dishes, glasses, cutlery, napkins, flowers etc., stand back and take a good hard look. Now is the time to take it to the next level. Add a napkin ‘cover’  (a sheer napkin in gold or silver) or put the sheer inside the napkin and call it a liner and use a napkin ring. If you have a meter or two of sheer material you can lay this over the tablecloth – you now have a tablecloth ‘cover’.

Add salt and pepper holders to the left of the charger plate. When you put out glasses of water for each guest, add a slice of lemon, add some ice and it changes everything. Now take a look. It is fabulous! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

* charger plates are larger plates that go under the dinner plates.  They don’t have to be expensive.  You can buy them in plastic as well as china if that is what you can afford.

Thanksgiving Day

This is a beautiful time of year to sit back, enjoy family, big turkey dinners and watch football on television…or is it?

Friday morning I had another surgery, for the umpteenth time and this time, hopefully, the last for awhile. My husband stayed with me and after, when he came to pick me up and take me to a hotel to stay overnight before heading home, he had bought me a bouquet of my favourite flower-tulips in an autumn colour. I was so thankful.

The next day as we were driving home (1 1/2-2 hr drive) the colours on the trees are changing ever so slowly, the sky was clear blue and the sun shining. Every time we make this drive, we chat about how beautiul it is, how lucky we are and it is true.

Getting back to Thanksgiving…so many times while waiting for my surgery, the Dr. was coming out and speaking either to a parent or spouse about what they found on their loved one and it wasn’t very good news. This is when we say thank you for God (or your religious leader) to put you in the position you are now…one where help is available, another day dawns and your loved ones are there for you. I hav e been fighting cancer now for twelve long years and have never had a pity party for me….it is not needed. I have always believed that God has put me where I should be and I am so thankful for that.

I am thankful for my daughter for what she has accomplished; my husband for what he has been through and for what he has given me – his undying love and care; my “step-children” whom I love very much and my grandchildren, all whom  I adore; our new home and all what it took to get here; friends from far and wide, Doctors who really care…yes, this is a time to be thankful and I am so thankful I had the parents I had, and what they taught me.

Blessings to all and enjoy that turkey dinner.

Tips For Making Perfect Mergingue

It takes a little practice to get it perfect…maybe some of these tips will help you if you have never made them before.


1.  Believe it or not, check the weather…you cannot make meringues if it is humid outside.  Hopefully you have an air conditioner if it is.

2.  Make sure to leave eggs out of the fridge for at least 1/2 hour.  Egg whites should be at room temperature.

3.  Make sure your equipment is free of grease, and use only glass or metal bowls, not plastic.

4.  For a smooth meringue, beat about 2 tbsp. of sugar for each egg white.  Beat whites only to soft peaks BEFORE adding sugar.  Add the sugar about 2 tbsp. at a time so it will dissolve.

5.  To tell if you got it right, rub a little of the foam between your fingers.  If it feels a little gritty, keep beating and then re-test.
Making meringues is not a major undertaking, but if you follow these suggestions, they should be perfect.

OMG – September You are kidding.

The summer is officially gone and most families are enjoying the last days of bbq’s, trips to the lake, etc. and just enjoying everything.

We are too as my sister-in-law is here for a nice long visit and we get to catch up on all the stuff we miss during the year.  So…let the weekend go and I’ll get back to you all on Tuesday.

Enjoy and be safe.

Wasp Recipe

Heading into summer full time, this recipe really works in keeping the wasps away from your table. Just be sure to put the container away from the deck or they will be buzzing around trying to get into the dish.

I use a plastic yogurt container or the like and you just mix the ingredients together and set it out.

  • 5 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp. yeast
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 5 drops liquid detergent

Now go and enjoy the summer…..

Recipe for Endurance in Love

I am off on a different channel today. While reading the paper this morning, I read where a lady didn’t know what to do with her husband’s flirting on the Internet. The answer from ‘whomever’ was to flirt everyday with your husband.

Another reader wrote in and said she would rather get a divorce than flirt after many years of marriage. WOW!  Really?

Next week my husband and I will celebrate  21 years of marriage and together 3 year before that. We flirt every day. I can’t imagine not playing the silly games we do. The kids would run from the room thinking we should be locked up.

Over the years, the total thrill of touching hands, walking into a room, walking out of a room, winks, smiles (special ones just for you) when you first date grows into years of  expressing opinions, yours- his and staying friends. still having your heart catch at the sight of him walking into the room, walking out of the room, rubbing my feet every night…..if I whine alot or plead through, sometimes, two sets of commercials on TV, I get the most fabulous foot massage.

Sure, it changes a little: family, bills, health….this  all comes to bear BUT that special giggle, wink, touch or pat makes it all worthwhile. You don ‘t just walk away…….Besides, if you don’t flirt early on and wait until the kids grow up and move away…pray tell me what you have. I could probably tell you what you have not…but then that is just me and that is only my opinion, not yours.

If you quit flirting, making time to be alone together, or just sharing your day, you have not earned the right to leave.

So…..walk into his/her space, blow a kiss, indulge in a kiss, tell a joke, pinch her fanny , rub his/her shoulders and just see what results. While making your partner the most important person in your eyes and his, you don’t have time to not get along. Keep the excitement flowing… the old saying goes “Too old smart, too young dead”.

Now, which room did my husband walk into…..I think he might need a hug……




Food Bank …..

Several weeks back, I put out that I would donate 1 item of food for the Food Bank for any new person who signed up on this site.  So far….where are you?

I will be away from this site for a couple of days as I have a small surgery to have today but I will check it out when I return.  The Food Bank needs the food and I need you. So there, truth in a nutshell.