Father’s Day Weekend

I always tell Don when he has this golf weekend with his boys, this is also MY weekend. Well, let’s see…..

Yesterday, I had the remote in MY hand and I could watch whatever I wanted to….okay, who can find anything but re-runs? That’s okay, they were good the first time. Oh yeah, I rearranged the patio furniture, changing the kitchen area and then the seating/conversation  side (reversed them actually).

Day 2…bake for Don’s special dinner and make the special muffins Maurice said he really liked (back Sunday morning), do the laundry, plan the dinner, wrap his present, set the table and try to catch a few friends to have a girl-chat…okay,so it’s Saturday and no one is home. Scratch that idea.

Dinner is going to be:

  • 8 oz. Filet Mignon with Bernaise sauce,
  • Lobster tail with an Orange-Tarragon sauce,
  •  mashed sweet potato,
  • fresh baked buns,
  • baked asparagus,
  • individual strawberry/blueberry shortcake. WHEW!

I also volunteered a couple of hours at the Arena for the racers picking up their packages for two races tomorrow. We must be the race town for all of B.C. Last month it was the Half Ironman and in August the Ironman race comes through here.

As a Father/Step-dad and Husband, he is the best so with each sinful bite. we will talk about all the fun he had…yup he’s worth it.

Okay, now where is the wine?…..later.



Lost day….sort of

Yesterday our friend and decorator, Daryl, and his sister, Wanda,  were coming for a brief visit as they were heading back to Vancouver. So now, even though the house was clean,  I did it over again.  I even washed the floors. Can’t show off  if there is dust….)

We were hoping that the weather would cooperate, so….three times  I set the table and dismantled the settings, brought them in the house only to repeat this before their arrival. . Finally I put the cushions away and we ate inside. DARN!

We poured a glass of wine and gave Wanda the tour of our place and then downstairs to show Daryl the final results of all the planning of the Gathering Room.  Like the rest of the home, it was WOW!

 Daryl gave us the most awsome gift of 9 different coloured medium-sized balls that rest of water pattern glass trays.  Not sure if he was glad our project was finally finished or not….just kidding! Then he proceeded to set it all up. Cool.

While at the table, we discussed the arrangement of the furniture (kitchen and sitting area, along with the beautiful kitchen that Don has) on the deck. We solved that and then it was time, sigh, for them to say good-bye and head home.

Friends, a glass of wine and a little  lunch is not a lost day…not by anyone’s imagination.  Love these visits.

Now one more day and the two boys come here for a golf weekend with their dear ol’ Dad.  Love it!



The Gift of Fathers

I was sitting in front of my computer getting ready to blog a new recipe when I started thinking about Fathers and the one day we celebrate them.

There are good and bad all over, but  let me share a few things with you….

My Dad was special in ways I never truly looked at until he passed away. I adored him but not in the same way I do now. Sounds strange? It’s not.

My Pop was born to Irish parents and took great pride in it. When St. Patrick’s Day was upon us, he always wore a little green.  Once we even went to a local pub to drink green beer.  My mom always tinted our food green back when we were small…and he would just beam.

He was a  man of his word and his word was bond. One never needed a contract to seal the deal..his handshake said it all.

Pop was a Mason of long standing and also a member of the Eastern Star, and when he retired from the railroad, he did a shift in the store at the local hospital because someone was ill and couldn’t do it. From that day…he  worked in the office in the records dept. for the next 17 years and had over 10,000 hours in volunteering.

I also never knew one person who didn’t love my Pop. I could go on and on but I digress….this week my husband’s two sons, Trevor and Maurice will be coming out here to go on a golf weekend with their Dad.

They go with a group of about 12 other men and have been doing this for about the last 3 years,  I believe.  They will never know just how much their Dad looks forward to this, until they share something like this with their kids on a regular basis. This is a real highlight for him and I am sure for the boys as well.

These are memories they will never forget and to me also….I miss my Pop more than ever but now I can sit on the sidelines and watch the same kind of bond with my husband and his sons.

God Bless Dads all over….I sure miss mine.

Half Ironman Race, Oliver, B.C.

Today we spent at the race….half Ironman, that is. My friend, Laura,  is in the race so we were down at the water by 6:45 a.m. to watch them hit the water. All 750 swimmers.

Wow…then I was going to help with the transition area where the swimmers leave the water and run to their bikes. We count the bikes left over to find out who didn’t continue with the race, Then I took the looooooong way home having to walk all the way, that is. Ouch!

We went back the race at about 1:00 p.m. to wait at the finish line with homemade cookies (2 kinds) for the racers when they finished.

They asked me why I did this, and I told them that the deal was Laura does the Half Ironman and  I will be there with cookies. Don, of course, is there as well. They promised to save some cookies for her and the rest were gone in seconds.

It is fun and all the racers are to be commended and all the volunteers did a great job. All over now…..next year!

Mother’s Day 2012

Mother’s are a special kind of human being. Some are good…some not so good…some super special but all are Mothers.  To be a mother I feel you are chosen for reasons unknown or unspoken for that particular child given you.

We are given hearts that expand with every movement, word, gurgle, laugh, hug or kiss.  We have broken hearts when our child is hurt or says hurtful things to us when they really don’t know what else to do.

We go every step of the way:  kindergarten, Grades 1 thru 12, perhaps College or University or trade…..always watching from a distance to catch them when they fall or are hurt because of a lost love or dying friend, question them to understand their thinking on a choice made and encourage all the way in what they do and do well.

I ache so much for my daughter who lives far away and a mother who has since left us for a better home with her beloved husband (my dad). We remember all the times we have shared and hope to continue sharing.

Yup! Mom’s are special people. I am one and know that only I  could love my child with the fervor and intensity that I do; only I could pray every day for safety in all actions she takes, wisdom in her thinking, and cry when we don’t communicate more often, fully knowing we love each other.

When we moved away from my parents, I never realized just how much we were missed, even though we spoke daily for 20+ years.

To one and all,  Happy Mother’s Day and may God Bless each and every one with riches and treasures greater than what money could ever purchase.





Three Day Respite

Sometimes we are blessed with friends.  Sometimes a short while, others a lifetime. I have two of those friends and when you include one of the husbands, it would make three.  Let me explain about friendship.

Our parents met in Grade one and kept that friendship flowing and growing for over 80 years.  That alone is some feat.  Now comes three girls…we have been friends, basically, from the womb.  Wendy and Judith.  Judith’s husband, Len, has been around for more than 52 years, so I guess that must absolutely count.  So now our friendship is rallying at 69 years, and counting.

The last (baby) to join the group is Bill. He is the baby in the group both in time in the “family” and age. Pfft!

The laughs are so many our cheeks hurt;  we all share in the cooking both breakfasts, dinners and it seems that lunch is an after-thought.  We hadn’t shared that kind of a time together since last year when we moved away and it had been 15 years since we spent 4 days together at the same location.

If you are so lucky to have good friends, those who laugh and cry with you and know all your warts and still love you….hang on as tight as you can.  It doesn’t come to everyone and is a treasure that money cannot buy.  Bill, by the way has been in the group for close to 18-20 years and my husband is just ahead at 24 years.

Everyone get along, and we always have so many memories to talk about, what we all like, what programs we watch on TV and why. Jokes a bound….so much our cheeks hurt from laughing.

Good friends, good times and great memories still in the making. What a wonderful life!



Job Hunting OR Promotion?

When we are out and about at either food kiosks in the mall or fast food places up to the higher end restaurants, in my opinion, it seems that young people today (up to about 35- 36 years old) haven’t a clue how to eat, chew their food or even behave.  Before you shut me off, read on…..please!

If and WHEN you are invited to have dinner with your boss, try to remember these few facts and it will be easy for you.

1.  Let the boss lead the way…..is he ordering a drink? If he doesn’t, don’t you UNLESS he prompts you to. He may have his reasons.  Also, don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu. Keep it cool and don’t drink too much.

2.  Do ask what the boss suggests for an entree (if you are in doubt). Again, do not order the most expensive thing on the menu. Follow the lead of your host.

3.  It looks so much better if  you don’t slouch at the table with your elbows leading the way. Please sit up.

4.  A tip for you to consider is not to talk with your mouth full. It could just be a deal breaker.  Also, make sure you keep the  conversation light and friendly UNTIL your host turns it to business. Watch your language.

5.  Always place the napkin on your lap and FOR SURE DO NOT wipe your nose with it.  That is disgusting.  Keep a fresh kleenex in your pocket/purse to use instead.

6.  To make it easier, if in an Italian restaurant, keep away from the spaghetti….nothing is worse than watching someone slurping the noodles in, while trying to have a conversation.

7.  Number One rule for sure…TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE AND DO NOT TWITTER OR WHATEVER! Leave that for when you are at home.

Now, that was easy, simple and congratulations, by the way,  on your upcoming promotion.  Even if your host slips on a few of these….don’t you.  He may just be testing…just sayin’.


ONE MORE TIP, be sure you raise the fork to your mouth NOT your mouth to the table. It  looks like you don’t know that the arm raises up and the elbow does, indeed, bend.


Now, go get cleaned up and smile! You look great. I really like the fact you didn’t forget to wipe  your shoes clean and that the girls didn’t go out with heels that needed repair.


In  closing, I have been around the Corporate block for many years and  I am lucky to have married one of the corporate elite.  Also, I had a Mother who cared about social graces and she taught us well.


Again, just sayin’.



2nd Anniversary – Yup!

More than two years ago, three people (Bill – my guru, husband, Don, and myself sat down in my office and discussed what to do.  I had just published a cookbook on B & B’s. It had hints and tips for new operators of Bed and Breakfasts, along with some of our most favourite recipes we were serving our guests, but I wanted more. I had two other cookbooks ready to go to print and decided I would rather share with everyone who would read my site, all of those recipes.

All of a sudden, while trying to think of a catchy name, Bill or Don (can’t remember) came up with Damn I can do this. I loved it. We all did. From that time to now, I have been most faithful putting on a recipe, blogging a restaurant everyday and putting my thoughts (yes, I do have some) so it would be readable to you.

I get comments (love them) and always want more.  When I get down on myself for not having more followers, I could almost go for a martini. In case you didn’t know that, check out the ‘signature drinks”. Where is my glass?

It has been fun. I will admit, we are shy on being asked back to others for dinner, martini, cookie, glass of water…..BUT in my defense I absolutely love hot dogs, or a friendly cup of coffee offered sincerely as much as I do entertaining and making our guests feel so special.  Good manners or  a pretty table will never go out of fashion, regardless what some of the young people say.


I hope you do like what you see and read as I plan on being around for a long time yet.  Warning to hackers: you are not as funny as you think you are. You have caused some of my followers to become shy of returning to the site…boo to you and the expense of having my computer cleaned time and time again must really make you feel good. Me? Not so much.  But I will still be here planning, writing, cooking and baking and hoping that “good beats out the evil”.


Happy Anniversary to me and “Damn I can Do This”.

St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all the true Irish and also those who wish they were. When growing up, both my Mom and Aunt, who happened to be married to Irishmen, made everything green. I kid you not…the potatoes were green, veggies were green, dessert would have been green and whatever we drank (usually milk) got that same old green food colouring.  UGH!

I never did that to my daughter, probably because I couldn’t do it when growing up.

I can remember when I had turned 21, my Mom and Dad took me down to the local Irish Pub to sample the ‘green beer’. Well, it was the drink of the day, but I couldn’t get it down.  I like beer au natural and all my other food as well. (Besides, I don’t drink beer).

Have a great day no matter how you celebrate it and keep cool. Drive safe. See you tomorrow.

Hors d’Oeuvres

The difference between hors d’oeuvres and appetizers is appetizers are served sitting down at the table, while hors d’oeurves are served away from the table.

Depending on the main course, this can be one or two items; one hot and one cold. It also depends on the season.  They can be served inside or, if you have a balcony or deck, outside. Try a few of these and you will see how easy it is. One step I cannot stress enough: plan ahead! Do as much as you can the day before so you can spend more time with your guests. That was the purpose of getting together, wasn’t it?

Be sure the portions are not too large. You want them to be able to enjoy the rest of the evening delights.

Always take the time to chat a bit before serving the wine and hors d’oeurves. Serve them one type at a time spreading out the time so that after one to one and one-half hours you are ready for the first course. Before you ask guests to come to the table, make sure you light the candles, and pour the ice water. Also, you can now pour the wine for the table.

Take another look at the table; everything is perfect; now take a deep breath and invite your guests to come to the table. When they are all seated and only then, start with the appetizer.

Your evening is off to a great start so it is now a bit of a relax time. The rest is a breeze.  Enjoy!


In this day and age, I constantly hear from people that setting the table with good china and silverware is ‘old fashioned’ and that good dishes are a thing of the past. They may think so, but good manners are never out of fashion and setting a good table is an extension of yourself. My granddaughters know when they grow up and have places to live of their own, the dishes we gave them for their birthdays are to be used and not kept in boxes in the closet.

I will show you step-by-step how to make your table look like a picture in a magazine when it actually took you an extra five minutes. I will also show that you can make a dinner of just salad and meatloaf look expensive and that it took you all day to prepare. Then you can move up the ladder inch by inch and add a thing or two to take ordinary into elegant. The most important factor in this equation is the ability to take the steps to change and explore new ways of doing things.

So, you have decided to host a dinner with your husband’s (partners or friends), colleagues or relatives and you are scared silly. Sit down and write out the way you envision the dinner to be, especially if you have never done this before. Maybe it is your first apartment and Mom and Dad are coming over.

  • Start with music. It should be soft (if a dinner party) and can be light jazz, or romantic. There are many CD’s out there for ‘Romantic Dinners’.  It doesn’t necessarily mean romantic dinner, just pleasant music that is playing in the background. People want to be heard when talking, and not have to shout over the music. Now consider:


  • Hors d’Oeuvres
  • Appetizers
  • Soup and/or salad
  • Entree
  • Dessert
  • Coffee
  • Liqueur

The recipes on my site are proven winners and your guests will want a return visit.

Any salad dressings, sauces or roasted nuts, cut up vegetables, or shredding can be done the day before. The day of the dinner, of course, you prepare the food that cannot be done before hand.

Before your guests arrive, check one more time on the condition of the bathroom to make sure it is absolutely spotless, especially if you only have one bathroom. Make sure the toilet seat is down. Your guests will be arriving momentarily, now is the time to light the candles in the living room and turn on ambient music.

Most of all…Enjoy!


Bathroom Tips

We all seem to struggle with the soap scum that builds up in the shower.  One quick and easy way to remove it and leave the shower looking pristine is to wipe down the doors and tile with a wet cloth and a dab of shampoo.  Yes, shampoo.   When done, simply rinse.  Shines like a new penny! Use up the old bottles.  The shampoos remove the oil from your hair and will do exactly the same thing in your shower.

Would I steer you wrong?  Also, keep a rubber squeegy in the shower and simply run it over the doors and shower stall each time you use it.  This also cuts down on the build-up of soap scum.

If yu have harsh water or simply wish to clean the toilet bowl overnight, drop a vitamin C tablet in the bowl and leave overnight. The ascorbic acid in the pill not only remove any alkaline deposits and also get rid of any unpleasant odours. Simply flush it in the morning.

There, I have done my good deed for today. Later.